Feral Therapy
Information & Resources

Information & Resources


We are proud members of & supported by:

Please click on the icons for more information.

Click here to view independent verification of my insurance cover

Payment details

You can pay for most of our classes, events, and products through our shop, click here to access. We also accept cash on attendance for face-to-face classes and private sessions.

To pay for private sessions, events, or classes, you can use our bank details below.

Bank: Lloyds

Sort code: 30-99-50

Account Number: 30835363

Pay to: Feral Therapy

We do have a PayPal account, but to keep costs low and to pass the savings on to you, we would prefer bank transfer. If you would prefer to use a different payment method, please get in touch and we will be happy to provide an alternative.


This is a work in progress! We will upload downloadable files to accompany our weekend and one-day events, as well as useful links and resources that may be of interest to our customers. Thank you for your patience!

Downloadable kit list for all our Wild Weekends